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Is Your Dog Bite Injury Serious Enough To Sue?

If you know someone who’s afraid of dogs, chances are, they have been bitten by one. When that happens, the dog’s owner is unlikely to reimburse you fully, and only by taking legal action can they be compelled to do so. Depending on the severity of your injuries as well as the circumstances surrounding your case, you may be able to file a lawsuit against the dog’s owner for injuries sustained. If the victim is a child, your case could be stronger.

You may not be able to diagnose accurately the severity of your injuries. Once you have bitten by a dog, consult a doctor immediately. If the dog hasn’t been vaccinated, you stand the risk of contracting rabies, which can be fatal. If you have sustained a scratch or more serious injuries, you may be unsure whether a lawsuit is the wisest course of action.

Below is a brief summary of the Dog Bite Scale developed by Dr. Ian Dunbar and which is used by veterinarians worldwide:

  • Level 1: The dog has not made actual physical contact with you but is displaying signs of wanting to do so such as snapping at the air around you.
  • Level 2: Level 2 is considered “pre bite” – although your skin has not been punctured by the dog’s teeth, it has made physical contact with you in some manner. The chances of a
    successful lawsuit at Levels 1 and 2 are not very high.
  • Level 3: At this level, the dog’s teeth has left shallow punctures on the victim’s skin. These punctures are no deeper than half the length of the dog’s tooth. Depending on the age
    and health condition of the victim, this can result in anything from a wound to an infection. Chances of lawsuit success are fairly high.
  • Level 4: Victims of a Level 4 dog bite suffer from a single bite leaving punctures deeper than half the length of the dog’s tooth. In a child, this can result in fatality.
  • Level 5: Level 5 bites consist of multiple bites that leave deep punctures. Chances of a lawsuit succeeding at Levels 4 and 5 are considered high.
  • Level 6: If a victim has lost their life as a result of a dog bite, it qualifies as a level 6 bite. Such accidents are rare and family members of the victim can sue for a wrongful

Have you or a loved one sustained injuries as a result of a dog bite or bites? If that is the case, your best bet of obtaining compensation would be to engage a personal injury attorney. This compensation can extend beyond medical bills to include pain and suffering, especially if the victim is a young child.

When you engage our services at Corradino & Papa, LLC, our experienced lawyers will be with you every step of the way. If you would like to discuss a case, please feel free to contact us.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.