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Is Using A Dash Cam As Evidence In A Car Accident Effective?

When getting into a car accident, proving liability can be a difficult task as it is not obvious who is directly at fault. Dash cams can help solve that as it captures the moment of the act and can be used by attorneys to determine how to proceed with the claims. Video evidence is undisputable in court and many people are finding dash cams help solve insurance claim negotiations quicker with the aid of video evidence.

Dash cams are small cameras that are attached to your rear-view mirror or mounted onto your dashboard. They record footage when a car is in motion from the front of the car as well as the speed of the car. It is activated when the car is driving or when there is movement outside of the car when it is parked. This means it can also record vandalism or theft done to your car. Dash cams use SD memory cards and overwrite the oldest footage during a new cycle of recording. In the event of a crash, the dash cam will start recording a separate video that cannot be deleted from its memory card.

Dash cams are legal in New Jersey and are extremely beneficial in settlement negotiations. If used in court, only the unedited video is admissible. A car accident lawyer will help you go over the evidence to make sure it is not detrimental to your case in any way. As dash cams are impartial observers in the accident, in the account that the opposing party is wary of your possession of a dash cam they can subpoena it to support their case.

The Effectiveness of a Dash Cam

Having a dash cam allows you to capture things you may not have been able to comprehend during the accident. Accidents happen very quickly and can cause confusion especially if you are injured during one. With a dash cam ready it can record not only the accident but as well as other drivers’ behaviors, road hazards, broken traffic signals, and vehicle information of the other party. Many cases end with having a 50/50 settlement but with video evidence now the wronged party will be able to fully prove their innocence. With more vehicles adopting to have dash cams nowadays, this could also increase the quality of driving as the off chance of being recorded on the road or during an accident will encourage drivers to drive more carefully.

When bringing forward your claim, your attorney needs as much information and evidence as possible when trying to determine who is liable in an accident as more than one party can be at fault. Dash cams help answer questions that parties involved may not be able to answer. Video evidence is a great aid to you and your legal team when trying to prove your case. Contact us today to get in touch with our lawyers and begin your legal process.