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Is It Safe To Ride Your Motorcycle During Winter?

You always assume certain risks when you ride, regardless of who you are or where you are. Even the best drivers out there are prone to road mishaps, often caused by other drivers. Riding a motorcycle during the harsh New Jersey winter poses an even greater risk. Here is what could happen while riding a motorcycle during winter.

Risk of Hypothermia

You may feel extremely cold when you ride in winter because your body produces a substantial amount of sweat. When sweat is on your skin, this moisture can drop your body temperature, causing you to become hypothermic. To lower the risk of hypothermia when riding your bike in the winter, layer up and select clothing that wicks away sweat from your body.

Risk of Slipping

During winter, roads are particularly wet and icy. Since cold tires cannot gain traction as easily as warm ones, you run the risk of slipping.

Decreased Visibility

When it snows, your visibility is significantly decreased. Snowfall is not the only issue. When strong winds blow snow that has already fallen, it can become hazardous and limit visibility. Snow also reflects your headlight beams at night, making it more challenging to see the road ahead. Moving snow can lead to confusion, optical distortions, and other problems that could make you prone to motorcycle accidents.

Increased Distraction

Distraction. Have you ever been so cold that all you could think about was how uncomfortable you were? Similar feelings frequently arise in motorcycle riders. Try to avoid getting so cold that you can’t concentrate on biking safely. Consider keeping off the roads until you warm up a little.

Common Types of Motorcycle Injuries

The safeguards that a car has are not present on a motorcycle. When riding a motorcycle, your body is more vulnerable to severe injury. You may find yourself in a hospital or needing to speak to a personal injury lawyer if you’ve been in an accident. Here are the three most common types of motorcycle injuries:

  • TBIs or head traumas are frequent injuries. A traumatic brain injury can be quite serious, causing pain and suffering for the rest of your life while seriously impairing your ability to move. Therefore, you should never ride a bike without a suitable helmet.
  • As the rider is flung off their motorcycle in most collisions involving motorcycles, fractured limbs are common.
  • Skin that comes into contact with the road results in road rash. The recovery process from road rash can be quite painful and drawn out. Wear proper gear to safeguard your body.

The effects of a road accident can be traumatic. With our help, you can focus on getting better while we investigate your case and come up with the best course of action. All you have to do is recount the events’ specific details. For a free initial consultation, get in touch with our team of lawyers experienced with motorcycle accidents.