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Involved In A Taxi Cab Accident: Who Is Liable?

When involved in a taxi cab accident there are often many parties involved. From the passenger to the driver to the other motorist, sometimes it can be hard to distinguish who is actually liable for the accident. To win the case, you must be able to prove with evidence who the blame falls onto and the damages caused by the collision. An attorney can help you gather evidence and determine the guilty party.

In the case of it being the driver’s fault due to being distracted, drowsy, speeding or drunk driving, you as a passenger or as the driver of the other motor vehicle involved in the collision can bring your case against the driver and their own individual insurance policy. Should it be that the driver’s insurance cannot cover the claims, the company the driver belongs to may step in to cover the rest.

The Driver of the Other Vehicle

In the case of the collision being caused by an external force whilst you were a passenger you just need to file an insurance case against the other driver. This is known as a third-party claim as you are a third party to the other driver and their insurance company. The other driver’s insurer will process the claims however they may want to investigate the accident before proceeding so make sure to contact a lawyer if you need to.

The Passenger

If you were in the car of a taxi when the accident happened, you can claim against the driver that was responsible with a third-party car insurance claim or a personal injury lawsuit. A car accident lawyer will help guide you through the legal process. In the case of two-car accidents, one of the drivers is always at fault, and they often will sort out who is liable amongst themselves. You will not need to prove the liability of who was deemed negligent, and you can file against one or both drivers.

The Taxi Cab Company

Every taxi driver carries compensation insurance provided by the company that has hired them. This usually amounts to $1 million in bodily injury claims. The taxi company can be deemed either vicariously or directly liable for certain accidents if proven through. A vicarious liability states that the company is liable for the actions of the driver. A direct liability means that the company was directly at fault for the cause of the accident for example failing to keep up with maintenance and repairs or failing to do proper background checks on their drivers.

Discuss with an attorney how the proceedings of the case will take place and if it is possible to claim against more than one driver. Your attorney will help you gather evidence and guide you through the legal process of bringing an insurance claim against the guilty party. Contact us today to get in touch with our lawyers and begin your legal process.