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Injury Lawsuits For Skiing And Snowboarding Accidents

In recent years, an interest in snowboarding and skiing has increased. As a result of that interest, however, there have been increases in injuries and even some mortality cases. For your losses and injuries, you may be able to receive compensation through the filing of a personal injury lawsuit, if you or a family member was hurt in a snowboarding or skiing accident.

Due to injuries from skiing and snowboarding accidents, various legal issues can arise. Here, we will address some of them.

As a result of snowboarding and skiing accidents, numerous injuries can occur.

Relatively mild injuries:

  • Wrist sprains
  • Lower leg fractures
  • Knee injuries

Injuries that result in life-altering, severe conditions:

  • Spinal injuries
  • Head injuries
  • Brain injuries
  • Death

… and everything in between.

Why so many injuries? For one thing, accidents are on the rise because more challenging moves are being attempted as enthusiasts pursue greater speeds. Of all the injuries listed above, spinal cord and traumatic brain injuries have increased dramatically. Both adolescents and children are particularly affected. Compared to all other outdoor activities, more injuries occur during snowboarding.

Snowboarding and Skiing Injuries – Common Causes

The following are the most common kinds of snowboarding and skiing incidents/causes:

  • Equipment failure
  • No instruction or instructions from a snowboarding/skiing instructor were inadequate
  • Accidents involving chairlifts
  • Collisions with objects such as signs, barriers, fences, or trees (resulting in falls)
  • Collisions with other snowboarders or skiers

A legal theory referred to as “negligence” is the basis for most personal injury lawsuits. If you are suing a party, you will need to prove negligence on their part. Negligence could be the basis for your lawsuit if the following caused your injury:

  • You were led to conditions that were beyond your level of capability by your snowboarding or skiing instructor
  • The terrain upon which you were snowboarding or skiing was poorly designed, marked, or maintained
  • A snowboarder or skier was behaving recklessly or carelessly and collided with you

A Possible Defense

When it comes to sports activities, some of the most potentially dangerous are snowboarding and skiing. The defendant (the person you’re trying to hold liable for your accident) may raise a defense of “assumption of risk” because you participated in a sport that held inherent risks and dangers. In essence, what this says is that because you participated in something very likely to cause you harm, you are not entitled to compensation.

As you can see by all the above-stated information, injury cases involving snowboarding and skiing can get complicated. Someone will always try to place the blame somewhere else. Then there is the “assumption of risk” defense. Without adequate legal representation, you could have a very hard time getting compensation.

Turn to Corradino and Papa, LLC To Fight for Your Rights After a Skiing or Snowboarding Injury

If you sustain an injury from an accident that occurs on another person’s property, the manager or owner of the property may be held liable for your injuries. This falls under the categorization of “premises liability law“, and we are just the attorneys to handle it for you. If you got injured in a snowboarding or skiing accident, it may also be classified as a personal injury case.

If you have experienced a skiing or snowboarding accident on private property, company property, rental property, etc., contact the firm of Corradino and Papa. We’ll take care of everything for you in a professional, expert manner. Remember, without the right kind of representation, you may end up forfeiting your rights and any payments to compensate for medical bills, missed work, pain and suffering, and more.

For numerous other types of personal injuries, we can offer knowledgeable, compassionate representation – we’ll fight for your rights.

Get in touch with us today for a free consultation.