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How to Protect Your Legal Rights After A Workplace Accident

Do you know that as a work accident victim, you are entitled to a set of legal rights? However, it becomes impossible to protect them if you don’t know what they are in the first place. Your injuries can stand in the way of you pursuing your favorite hobbies and even performing your normal work duties. You can survive the harsh times by seeking compensation benefits and protecting your rights as a workplace accident victim. Here are a few things you need to know about accident at work:

Report to Your Employer About the Workplace Accident

Whether or not you’re injured, it’s wise to file an accident report if you want to be covered under your state’s compensation laws. Even if there are no visible injuries, your report can help keep others safe. Your employer may implement new safety measures to prevent serious injuries in the future. Additionally, filing an early report covers you if symptoms from your work accident show up weeks or months later.

Lawsuits are Forbidden Under Workers’ Compensation Laws

Except for Texas, every state requires a majority of employers to get workers’ compensation insurance. Unfortunately, the laws state that employees are barred from suing their employers in cases involving a workplace injury. One exception to this is in a case where the employee is exposed to asbestos.

Here’s the good news: The employee doesn’t need to prove that their employer’s negligence is the root cause of their injury. Did you know you can be compensated even when it’s your negligence that has caused the injury?

You Will Not Be Covered in Cases Involving Drugs or Alcohol

The workers’ comp laws do not cater to certain types of injuries. For instance, if the injured party is using illegal drugs or is intoxicated during the incident, that may impact your chances of getting covered. For that reason, many employers will enforce their drug test policies on all employees involved in a workplace accident.

After a Workplace Accident: See a Doctor at the Earliest Opportunity

You should consult a doctor immediately after a work-related accident happens. If the injury is serious enough, head on to the emergency room. In the case of a less serious injury, ask your employer whether you should see your doctor or the designated workplace first-aider. If you visit the latter and they do not provide satisfactory treatment, you have the option of seeing a medical specialist.

The workers’ compensation laws entitle all workers to a second opinion. Even if they don’t cater to your consultation fees, go the extra mile and pay it yourself, and you can claim it back later.

Have any questions regarding your legal rights after an accident at work? Please direct them to Corradino & Papa, LLC’s champions of justice. If you’re a victim of people’s recklessness and negligence, we believe you have the right to be compensated for your loss. Contact our expert personal injury lawyers in New Jersey today for a free consultation!

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.