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How To Prevent Winter Slip And Fall Accidents At Your Workplace

To ensure the safety of consumers, management, and staff from accidents and injury, employers must take important action to ensure a work environment is safe. For employers, winter slip and fall accidents present a unique challenge. Unsafe surroundings can swiftly and unpredictably be created due to inclement weather in colder months. An average of $440,000 can be lost in a slip and fall claim during the winter months. To prevent legal actions, lost work time, and accident costs, prevention is essential. Preparedness is a crucial characteristic of a proactive employer.

To prevent an injury/accident from occurring, identifying where they are more likely to occur goes a long way, particularly where hazards related to winter weather are concerned. Here are some areas that need additional attention during the colder months:

Floors, Streets, Sidewalks

For anyone who enters the facility site or building, a serious threat is posed by streets and sidewalks that are not shoveled and free of snow. To prevent falls and improve walking traction, salt should be applied to streets and sidewalks after ice storms and snowstorms. Watch out for interior floors, too, because ice and water tracked in from outside will make them slippery. Use mats if needed and always be sure to put up “wet floor” signs.

Ladders And Stairs

The risk of falls and slips is increased by deteriorating concrete steps, nonexistent or broken handrails, etc. Risk hazards can also be increased when individuals are walking on wet stairs or a wet ladder, not using a handrail, or running. Increase and maintain employee safety awareness.


Fatal or serious injuries can be encountered when snow-covered rooftops cause falls. Clear snow as much as possible off of rooftops to reduce slips but also so that the snow doesn’t conceal hazards like hidden equipment, power lines, and/or skylights.


Additional hazards are presented when it starts getting dark outside, which happens earlier in the winter months. Make sure, both outdoors and indoors, there is sufficient lighting that is working properly.

Exposure To The Elements

Risks for injury, illness, falls, and slips can be increased when employees work in harsh environments like freezer storage units, winter construction sites, and more. Again, increase employee awareness so hypothermia, frostbite, and permanent tissue damage. Provide proper/warm equipment/protection like hard hats, reflective vests, PPE, eyewear, non-slip winter boots, and other cold weather protective gear.

Corradino & Papa Won’t Leave You Out in the Cold

For a good portion of every year, snow and ice are a real threat to the health and wellness of numerous individuals throughout New Jersey. Are you one of the unfortunate victims of a winter slip and fall? Was it due to someone else’s neglect or carelessness? If so, we would like to be your injury attorneys. Don’t wait another moment to contact Corradino & Papa. We will do everything in our power to help you get the compensation you’re entitled to.

If you have been hurt in a fall or slip – or in some other manner – let us do all the heavy lifting while you just worry about getting well.

Fill out our convenient online form to book a free consultation at no obligation to you.