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How To Prevent A Motorcycle Accident During Winter

Not all motorcyclists store their bikes away in winter. You might enjoy riding in the winter or need to ride during this season for practical reasons. Regardless of your motivations, if you intend to ride a bike during the coldest months of the year, pay close attention to your safety. Otherwise, you might get involved in a winter motorcycle accident that is potentially fatal.

Here are some of the most crucial winter riding tips to employ before you go on the road.

Prepare Your Bike and Attire for Winter

Winters in New Jersey can get exceedingly cold, as anyone who has spent even one winter there can attest. You must be ready, even on clear, sunny days. Winter riders frequently upgrade their vehicles with heated grips and larger windshields. The more that can be done to keep warm and cozy, the better.

You should also have the proper equipment for riding in the cold. In addition to keeping warm, such as by donning a battery-operated jacket, you also need ventilation in case you get too warm. Because the weather might change suddenly, pack extra layers in your saddlebags just in case.

Pay Attention to Icy Roads, Particularly Black Ice

When riding on ice, you should take extra caution. It goes without saying that you should avoid black ice whenever you can, but occasionally it will appear on the road. Observing the movement of the traffic in front of you is one of the simplest ways to identify ice. Be aware of other cars and bikes slowing down, and adjust your speed accordingly.

Switch On Your Headlights

Your bike might have automated daytime running lights depending on how old or new the model is. If it does not, make sure you switch on your lights and keep them on when driving, particularly during cloudy conditions. They will improve your visibility.

Practice Beforehand

Find a safe area to practice if you have never ridden your bike in cold weather. Many don’t know this, but you might be able to enroll in classes to hone your winter-riding abilities. Additionally, you can always practice on less-used roads and in vacant parking lots to build your confidence.

Avoid Riding in Harsh Weather Conditions Altogether

You may not always have a choice. However, if there is a way to avoid riding in snowy or slippery conditions, do so to protect your safety. Driving a car or truck in winter is already dangerous enough, and riding a motorcycle is even riskier. Your vehicle is more likely to lose traction if it only has two tires on the road.

Have You Been involved in a Winter Driving Accident?

At Corradino & Papa Law Firm, we represent all motorists who have suffered significant injuries in crashes, regardless of the weather, including motorcycle riders. We believe in protecting your financial well-being while pursuing a legal case with our “no recovery, no fee” policy. That said, we work the hardest to ensure that rightful recoveries are paid out to all our clients. Speak to our motorcycle accident lawyers today.