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How To Prepare Your Truck For Spring

Trucks need routine maintenance and repair throughout the year, irrespective of the seasons. For truckers, moving to the Spring season means transitioning from more cautious winter driving to an easier climate. This also means it’s time to prepare your truck for Spring, to adapt to the changing season. This article brings to you five great ways to help you transition from winter driving to spring driving.

Check Your Brakes

You probably had to ride your brakes a lot this winter, especially as you traversed snow-covered roads and traveled up and down from high elevations. As a result, check to see if they’re still in good condition as spring approaches. If they squeak, grind, or otherwise show signs of common wear and tear, it may be time to replace them.

Examine Your Fluid Level

Now is the time to check under the hood and make sure all of your fluids are full. That obviously includes not only checking the oil, but also the brake fluid and transmission fluid, to ensure your truck continues to run smoothly for months to come. In addition, just like in the winter, make sure you have plenty of washer fluid on hand. While snow, ice, and salt accumulation are unlikely to continue, roads can become covered in mud and dirt throughout the spring. Keep your windshield clear of that as well.

Replace Your Wiper Blades

When topping off your wiper fluid, make sure your windshield wipers are in good shape and replace them if they aren’t. After all, they must have taken a beating clearing snow, ice, and other debris over the course of a long, cold winter. With rain expected in almost every part of the country as spring progresses, make sure your wipers allow you to see everything on the road as clearly as possible. Reduced visibility during the Spring may result in road accidents and personal injuries.

Check Your Battery

While you’re under the hood doing everything else, make sure your battery is in good working order. Often, it will be fine, but if it appears to be “off” – for example, if any parts of it appear to be bulging – you should replace it as soon as possible.

Clean It

Another great way to prepare your truck for spring that actually has an impact on how it runs is to make sure it’s nice and clean. Cleaning off the winter’s built-up dirt and salt from its exterior will help you navigate the country’s highways and byways more aerodynamically (and thus save on fuel). You can either engage a professional deep cleaning service or DIY at home using your car cleaning kit. Decluttering your car’s interior on a routine basis has numerous benefits.

There are many aspects of truck maintenance as the Spring approaches. Apart from the above discussed crucial elements, tire pressure, tire alignment, fluid levels, better windshield washer liquid in the tank are all important in order to prepare your truck for Spring. You are also advised to check your vehicle suspension after you have driven all those harsh roads during the tough winter.