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How To Collect Compensation For A Motorcycle Accident Injury

Motorcycle riders are a special breed. They love the openness of not being caged in a vehicle. If you prefer this mode of transportation, you’re likely fond of not only the fun but the great gas mileage, quick acceleration, the feeling of freedom, and more. Unfortunately, the chances of riders experiencing a motorcycle accident injury are great for any number of reasons.

You may have a lot of questions if you’ve been involved in a motorcycle accident. Your best course of action is to acquire the assistance of an experienced, knowledgeable accident attorney. With their assistance, you’re more likely to receive compensation for property damage, injuries (medical bills), and general pain and suffering.

Let’s take a closer look at motorcycle accidents and injuries, their causes, and compensation that may be receivable.

Motorcycle Accidents – The Causes

As previously mentioned, motorcycle accidents and the injuries resulting from them are caused by any number of circumstances. While negligence isn’t always involved, it can frequently contribute to the reason for a motorcycle accident. If negligence is not involved, however, the following might be reasons for the accident:

  • Motorcycle parts that are defective or faulty.
  • Conditions involving inclement weather: i.e., heavy rain, ice, snow, etc.
  • Poor road design or undesirable road conditions.

Granted, the above-listed causes are common. But the most typical reason for unfortunate incidences involving motorcycles is driver negligence. Worst of all, these situations can be avoided. Motorist negligence can be involved in (or caused by) the following examples:

  • Compliance failure with lights, traffic signs, and other road rules and regulations.
  • Someone didn’t check their blind spot.
  • Speeding in general or going too fast for conditions.
  • While driving, the attempt to navigate directions (maps, GPS, etc.).
  • Driving when drowsy.
  • Driving when drugged or drunk.
  • Without the use of hands-free capabilities, driving while using an electronic device or texting.
  • Trying to get control over the kids or pets.
  • Driving and smoking or eating at the same time.

Injuries Received in a Motorcycle Accident – Negligence Related

If, through the negligence of someone else, you were injured in a motorcycle accident, you have every right to seek compensation. But how do you prove negligence?

If there is a way, using a hands-free camera or phone, to record the incident, the winning of your claim might be that much easier. Get the contact information of any witnesses on the scene so that, if need be, they can help validate your claim. Immediately, medical attention should be sought for any injuries. Regarding the care that you need/receive, get an official statement from the treating physician.

After receiving the medical treatment you need, the most important move for you to make is to contact legal representation!

Important factor: With social media being a giant part of the lives of most people today, it will be tempting to talk about your accident or injuries online. Don’t do it! You could hurt your chances of winning a claim by discussing any aspect of your injuries or motorcycle accident online.

Victims of Motorcycle Accident Injuries Need Legal Representation

Are you, a loved one, or someone you know the victim of a motorcycle accident injury? Are you or they interested in pursuing compensation for property damage, pain, and suffering? If so, you could benefit from the assistance of a knowledgeable, reputable, and competent attorney such as those here at Corradino and Papa, LLC. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.