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How to Claim Damages for Slip and Fall Cases

Many people are not armed with the necessary details to win a slip and fall case. To win, you first need to know what damages are. Damages are a form of compensation, ordinarily in monetary form that a person who has suffered injuries receives from the at-fault party. There are three main types of damages:

  • General damages that are complex in nature and span into the future. They include the promotion and potential loss of earnings.
  • Special damages that relate directly to losses from an accident, such as suffering and pain from the incident and costs of rehabilitation and medication.
  • Punitive damages that are rare and are meant to punish the defendant.

To hold the owner of the property responsible for injuries in the accident, you must be able to:

1. Prove That They are Aware of the Hazardous Condition

Here’s where evidence comes in. Arm yourself with sworn testimony, pictures, or incident reports to show that the property is indeed in a dangerous state. Next, you should show that they are aware of the condition. Some ways to achieve this are video surveillance, an incident report, or sworn testimony.

2. Hire the Right Lawyer for Slip and Fall Cases

Lawyers specialize in different areas. As such, you must carry out thorough research before taking your pick. Ask a relative or friend who has such a lawyer to get more sound advice. Alternatively, you can also browse through the Internet for some options. Slip and fall cases have unique nuances. In addition to qualifications, attorneys should also have exceptional understanding of these nuances.

3. Establish a Connection between the Fall and Your Injuries

If you have medical records, proving that you hurt yourself is a piece of cake. The papers will do the talking. The tricky part is establishing a connection between the accident and your injuries. You can approach your healthcare provider and request them to give a deposition.

Or, better yet, ask your attorney to handle the task on your behalf. They have the necessary skills, so this is a better choice.

4. Be Honest

The amount of damages you may receive might tempt you to stretch things a bit. Should these feelings come up, don’t entertain them.

Chances are you may not get as much as you expect. Depending on the court you go to, you may not get anything at all as well. Remember to keep track of any cost that you incur as you may not receive compensation for those that you don’t record.

The type of attorney you hire determines whether or not you can successfully recover damages. At Corradino & Papa, LLC, we have a team of attorneys with the necessary experience to handle slip and fall cases. We are passionate about justice and handle everything while you relax and recover. Visit our website today or contact us on 973-574-1200 for more information.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.