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How Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help Your Hit-And-Run Case

Being involved in a motor accident can be stressful enough. However, if your case was that of a hit-and-run, things can get even worse. The additional stress of having to locate and arrest the liable party while recovering from your injuries can be too much. In this case, you will want to hire an experienced personal injury lawyer so you can enjoy peace of mind that your interests are well represented while focusing on recovery. Personal injury lawyers are well-versed in handling hit-and-run cases and can assist in every step of the process from evidence gathering to dealing with insurance companies.

Most people without legal training are unaware of the numerous damage claims they can make after a hit-and-run accident. These not only include medical bills, but the following:

  • Cost of rehabilitation, future treatment and medical equipment
  • Emotional pain and suffering
  • Loss of companionship
  • Loss of future earnings
  • Punitive damages

If you attempt to seek a claim without legal assistance, you may unknowingly be short charging yourself by accepting a claim that does not adequately cover all the above factors. Always let a lawyer advise you on the fairest amount of compensation for your losses.

Unfortunately, in hit-and-run cases, there is a chance you will never see the liable party again. This means that all the compensation you receive will be from your insurance company. However, insurance companies are trained to act in their own best interests, not yours. In such a case, they can offer you unreasonably low settlements, which some victims may accept out of desperation and the mindset that it is the best they can get. Do not settle – engage the help of an experienced personal injury lawyer to get the claim you deserve.

Experienced lawyers are familiar with the many tactics used by insurance agents when it comes to securing a settlement and can stop them before you unknowingly accept. If your insurance agent is bombarding you with questions you are unsure how to answer, do not answer until you have sought legal advice. Anything you say can be used to establish liability and consequently, reduce the amount of compensation you are entitled to.

In most cases, personal injury claims are settled outside of court. This is the best solution for all parties involved, avoiding a lot of complicated and lengthy procedures. However, if the insurance company or other parties involved are uncooperative, you may be left with no choice but to take the case to court. When that happens, you definitely need a lawyer experienced in litigation on your side.

If you have been injured in a hit-and-run case, you can count on expert representation from Corradino and Papa, LLC. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.