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How Long Does A Motorcycle Accident Settlement Take In NJ?

If you’ve been involved in a motorcycle accident, even if it wasn’t your fault, it can be a stressful experience to file a compensation claim. When you consider the numerous expenses that pile up, including medical bills, your stress level spikes. While you recover from your motorcycle accident, how long might the financial pressures that result last? If you file a lawsuit to make an accident claim, how long will it take for a motorcycle accident settlement?

There are a lot of factors that can influence how long your case takes. But in general, let’s look at what are involved.

The very first thing to do after a motorcycle accident – where a lawsuit is concerned – is to file a claim. The at-fault driver’s insurance company will be asked to make compensation. You will want to detail accident-related losses and injuries you suffered and why you feel that your injuries, and the accident itself, should be covered by the other person’s insurance.

You may be asked to supply motorcycle repair shop invoices, hospital bills, and more. If the insurance company refuses to pay, it’s time to take the next step.

Negotiations and Settlements

For an insurance claim, as little money as possible will be paid by an insurer. At least, that’s their goal. They may simply try to flat-out deny your claim, offer less money than your claim is worth, say that you were at fault, and more.

To respond to your initial claim, the insurance company may take up to 45 days or as little as 20. It can take up to 30 days for settlement negotiations, or even several months.

Going to Court to File Suit

Unfortunately, settlements can’t always be reached. To preserve your compensation rights, you may need to file a lawsuit in court. After the initial filing of court papers, the next step in the lawsuit will be the exchange of evidence between both sides so a clearer picture of the case can be arrived at. This can take up to a year or maybe as little as six months.

The next step in your case is most likely mediation, after the discovery phase just described. A mediator (a neutral third party) facilitates negotiations and a formal settlement here. At any point during litigation, the parties may choose to settle. A trial will eventually have to occur if the parties can’t reach a settlement. From the date of filing, litigation can take two years or less.

Note: All the time frames mentioned above are approximations. Every case is different.

Corradino & Papa – Where to Turn When Motorcycle Riding Goes Bad

The best move you can make when you’re in a motorcycle accident is to contact the legal professionals at Corradino & Papa. Though we do not possess a magic wand that can be waived to make your case go faster or your settlement be accepted quicker, we can and do offer expert representation. You stand the best chance of receiving the compensation you deserve and having your rights fully represented when you turn to us for legal representation following your motorcycle collision. We will fight for your rights every step of the way.