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How Bed Sores Form And Why They Can Be A Sign Of Neglect

Did you know that bed sores are one of the most common reasons behind nursing home lawsuits? Also known as pressure sores and pressure ulcers, bed sores form when a part of the body is pressed against a surface for a prolonged period of time. This is most commonly the back of the head, the buttocks, the hips and back. Nursing home residents or patients with mobility issues are at higher risk of developing bed sores as they are unable to move themselves, making them reliant on a member of staff to do so. When that is not the case, you can have a case of nursing home negligence or medical malpractice.

Understanding Bed Sores

Bed sores develop when prolonged pressure is put on the skin over time. When this happens, blood flow to the area is restricted, causing the surrounding tissues and skin to break down. The good news is that bed sores are preventable with the proper care, even in patients or residents with mobility issues. Possible complications of untreated bed sores can include skin infections, bone infections, gangrene, sepsis or even death.

Developing A Care Plan for Bed Sores

There are several things nursing home staff can do to prevent the development of bed sores in residents and speed up the recovery of those who already have bed sores. Some of these best practices include:

  • Moving the resident at a regular interval, for instance, every two hours
  • Providing appropriate mattresses
  • Monitoring the condition and repositioning residents when necessary

Stages of Bed Sores

When a resident or patient develops a bed sore, it can fall under one of four stages, depending on how severe it is. Understanding the different stages can give medical professionals a better idea of how to care for the patients. These stages are:

  • Stage 1: itchy skin that is red and warm to the touch
  • Stage 2: more severe discoloration has occurred and the sore may be an open wound
  • Stage 3: bed sores have developed into open wounds by now, resembling a crater due to damage caused to the underlying tissue
  • Stage 4: there is a visible hole in the wound and visible damage to skin and tissue. At this stage, patients are at high risk of getting infected, serious medical complications or even death

Choose Corradino & Papa, LLC For Your Bed Sore Case

Whether your loved one is or was a patient in a hospital or a resident in a nursing home, they have legal recourse if they have developed bed sores as a result of staff negligence. Our experienced attorneys at Corradino & Papa are well-versed in the latest laws surrounding medical malpractice and the duty of care that healthcare professionals are liable to provide. Feel free to contact us today for a free consultation and we will explore the best legal route you can take.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.