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How A Garbage Truck Accident Claim Case Is Settled In New Jersey

When you have been involved in a garbage truck accident in New Jersey, you may be at a loss over what to do. Because most garbage trucks are owned by corporations or state-funded agencies, you may be wondering how you can take on these large entities. Here is where an experienced personal injury lawyer can step in to help you pursue a fair claim.

Garbage Trucks Are Prone to Accidents

Because of how large garbage trucks are compared to the average vehicle, this can make them difficult to maneuver. As a result, accidents can occur due to a variety of reasons, including:

  • Driver fatigue
  • Overloading
  • Inadequate vehicle maintenance
  • Distracted driving, or driving under the influence
  • Failure to give off the right traffic signals
  • … and more!

Regardless of how and why the accident occurred, you would have incurred an amount of downtime, out-of-pocket costs as well as pain and suffering. If your accident was the fault of the garbage truck driver or company, legal recourse is open to you.

Calculating the Damages Owed

Oftentimes, the damages owed to you can be more than you accounted for. This is because damages extend to more than just the medical and rehabilitation expenses you have incurred due to the accident. It can also include:

  • Lost wages for the period of time you were unable to return to work
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of quality of life – for instance, if your injuries impaired your ability to take part in an activity you used to enjoy
  • … and more!

An attorney can advise you on the maximum amount you can claim for. Instead of settling for the first sum offered by the liable party’s insurance company, knowing your rights and how to fight for them will maximize the settlement you receive.

Do Not Be Intimidated by Large Companies

One reason you may be hesitant to take action is the fact that large corporations employ insurance professionals and a range of other experts to handle their claims. You may feel that you have nothing against them and that the best you can get out of it is a settlement too low to cover your medical expenses and lost wages.

Of course, you can choose to go about the claim on your own, but it would be to your advantage to engage a truck accident attorney. Not only are they familiar with the tactics that insurance agents employ to undermine your claim, they can also assist you with evidence collection and building a sound case.

Come to Corradino & Papa, LLC for Personal Injury Representation

When you are looking for a reliable personal injury attorney to represent your best interests, turn to Corradino & Papa, LLC. We are based in New Jersey and are familiar with the applicable laws surrounding your accident. Please contact us to get started with a free consultation now!

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.