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Four Types of Road Accidents to Avoid this Summer

Summer is rapidly approaching and with it comes the inevitable rise in the number of accidents people experience. These accidents include motor vehicle accidents as well as construction accidents, and it’s easy to see why. With the weather warming up, more people are on the roads and working outdoors. When the negligence of others causes an injury, recovery can be physically, emotionally, and financially challenging. That’s why we make our services available to the people in our community. If you have been involved in a motor vehicle or construction accident, be sure to contact us immediately. Here are some common warm-weather accidents to avoid so that you have a healthy, safe, and happy summer.

Car accidents

Many people have experienced the trauma of being involved in a car accident. At Corradino and Papa, LLC, we have assisted many clients with the information and guidance they needed, from those in minor fender benders to those who have been grievously injured in catastrophic collisions. We understand the devastating ways in which severe and fatal accidents affect the lives of those involved and their family members. The emotional and physical strain is hard enough, but the financial costs quickly pile up. Car accident victims may also experience forced lifestyle changes due to injuries and staggering debt. We are here to help.

Truck accidents

The large commercial trucks on our highways are essential to our economy. These trucks transport millions of dollars’ worth of goods each year. However, trucks are larger and heavier than other motor vehicles, and as such, they present a higher risk of critically or fatally injuring other drivers. Truck accidents can have life-changing effects on the victims, and therefore, these victims often have the right to monetary settlement. Accidents involving trucks are caused by a range of factors such as drunk driving, a defect or malfunction of the car, negligence on the part of the driver or the trucking company, and more.

Motorcycle accidents

Motorcycle accidents can involve various areas of law including personal injury, product liability, and property rights. Motorcycles can be particularly dangerous – more so than other vehicles. They present a unique set of problems. For example, because they are small, they are more easily obscured by other vehicles; they are also more vulnerable to road hazards such as potholes and puddles. They may wobble at higher speeds, or the driver may be inexperienced. Regardless of the cause, motorcycles accidents can be disastrous.

Construction accidents

Construction accidents are also more common during the summer. There are more construction projects when the weather is pleasant, and many of these will eventually lead to someone on the job site sustaining an accidental injury. Even when you take all necessary precautions and more, an accident is still possible – someone else may make a mistake, or there may be unsafe conditions on the worksite. Construction accident litigation can be complicated because there are typically many parties involved who may be held at least partially liable for the incident.

At Corradino and Papa, LLC, we have experience handling all the above types of cases and more. If you or someone you know has been injured in an auto or construction accident, contact us immediately to discuss your matter.