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Four Common Summertime Accidents You Should Be Aware Of

Now that summer has arrived, you’ll likely be spending more of your free time outdoors participating in leisure activities ranging from swimming to boating. However, you should be aware that accidents are more common during the summer for various reasons, which we’ll discuss below. If you have sustained an injury and it wasn’t your fault, we recommend contacting our team of legal experts.

Swimming Pool Injuries

When the sun is shining, and the heat is almost unbearable, there’s nothing quite like the relief of diving into a cold swimming pool. Naturally, people are more inclined to swim during summer, which is why accidents spike around the season. Unfortunately, many injuries and fatalities involve children and inexperienced swimmers. If you or your child has sustained an injury as a result of swimming, you might be able to claim compensation from the responsible party.

Swimming accidents can result from:

  • Becoming entangled in drains
  • Poorly maintained facilities
  • Lack of lifeguards
  • No warning of hazard signs

If your accident occurred due to any of the reasons detailed above, you ought to call a professional attorney to argue your case and help you get the compensation you deserve.

Traffic Accidents

Collisions involving vehicles happen year-round, but the number of accidents increases over summer for many reasons. Sometimes, people crash because they go on holiday in their car to an unfamiliar area. Also, during college and school holidays, there are more young and inexperienced drivers on the road, who are statistically more likely to crash. If you’ve been involved in a road accident due to somebody else’s negligence or recklessness, it’s highly likely that you can make a successful claim with the help of one of our lawyers.

Summer Camp Accidents

Many parents like to send their children to summer camps to help them mature, learn new skills and make new friends. However, accidents at summer camps are far from rare. Sometimes, instructors, caretakers and course leaders prioritize fun and excitement over safety. If somebody’s failure to take care of your child has caused an accident, you should claim compensation. When you send your child to a camp, the supervisor is responsible for keeping them out of harm’s way. If they fail to do their job, there’s no excuse for it.

Boating Accidents

Many people spend their free time sailing or taking part in water sport activities during summer when weather conditions are favorable. The increase in water activities, unfortunately, leads to a rise in the number of boating-related accidents. If you sustain an injury because somebody failed to maintain their vessel in line with the relevant regulations or didn’t provide you with life jackets and safety instructions, you could have a just reason to sue them.

Corradino & Papa, LLC is a legal firm specializing in personal injury claims. Over the decades, we’ve recovered millions of dollars in compensation for people that have sustained injuries as a result of summertime accidents due to no fault of their own. If you think you have a case and want to discuss your situation with a highly trained attorney, we encourage you to call us.