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Foodborn Illnesses Can Be Tough to Stomach

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that over 48 million Americans per year suffer the effects of foodborn illnesses, one example being the romaine lettuce E. coli outbreaks over the past year. Thankfully, most people recover within a day or two without the need of medical attention, although enduring the symptoms is no picnic.

Foodborn Illnesses

However, food poisoning can sometimes be severe and even life-threatening. E. coli, salmonella, listeria, and numerous other bacteria and viruses send over 125,000 people to the hospital annually; nearly 3,000 don’t survive. Those who do eventually recover may face sky-high medical bills and substantial lost wages. If a restaurant, grocery store, farm, slaughterhouse, or factory is responsible, a claim can be brought against them.

A person filing a claim must establish that a specific food they ate was contaminated—sometimes a tricky venture. Symptoms of foodborne illnesses don’t strike immediately. For instance, if you eat contaminated food for breakfast, symptoms might only become evident after you’ve already had lunch, which muddies the waters considerably. A health authority can confirm if a food is contaminated or not, but they’ll need a sample. When others experience the same problem as you, from the same source, it simplifies things.

Next, you must show that contaminated food is linked to your illness. Having a stool sample tested is the best way to do that. If the sample shows the same harmful microbes as those found in the contaminated food, it significantly bolsters your case.

If you suffer severe consequences from food poisoning, the sooner you contact an attorney at Corradino & Papa, LLC, for a chance of garnering fair compensation.