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Does Springtime Bring An Increase In Pedestrian Accidents?

A large number of pedestrians suffer severe injuries as a result of motor vehicle collisions across the country. According to data from the CDC, traffic crashes claimed the lives of 5,977 pedestrians in the United States (2020). That equates to a pedestrian fatality occurring approximately every 88 minutes. Warmer weather in particular presents several contributing factors that elevate the risk of fatalities and pedestrian accidents in springtime.

Some states in particular face a critical issue regarding pedestrian safety. Between 2009 and 2018, nearly 7,500 pedestrians lost their lives in one of the busiest states in the US (surpassing the national average pedestrian fatality rate by approximately 25%). This alarming statistic highlights the severity of the problem in states with a lot of traffic.

Interestingly, the causes of pedestrian fatalities during the spring season vary from those in other seasons. As spring arrives and more individuals engage in leisurely walks – going to school or strolling to shopping centers – the chances of being struck by a moving vehicle increase.

Why Are There So Many Accidents in Spring?

Spring brings a fresh array of hazards for drivers and pedestrians alike with the departure of icy winter roads. The arrival of warmer weather lures numerous motorists eager to partake in outdoor activities. The roads experience an increase in slower-moving vehicles and the surge in motorist volume amplifies the potential for accidents involving vehicles and pedestrians.

The risks of warmer weather only increase when you consider the fog and rain that can take place in spring.

Contributions to Pedestrian Accidents

The following factors contribute to the rise in pedestrian-related crashes during this time:

  • Daylight savings time
  • Increased traffic
  • Young or inexperienced drivers
  • Speeding
  • Impaired driving
  • Reckless and aggressive driving
  • Distracted driving
  • Failure to yield to a pedestrian
  • Disregarding stop signs
  • Failure to obey traffic laws and signals
  • Fatigued driving

To prevent pedestrian accidents, it’s crucial for both drivers and pedestrians to fulfill their responsibilities in promoting pedestrian safety.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported 6,205 pedestrian fatalities and approximately 76,000 pedestrian injuries nationwide just a few years ago.

How to Stay Safer

Keep the following tips in mind:

  • Pedestrians should wear reflective clothing for better visibility during evening hours.
  • Motorists should adhere to traffic regulations.
  • Drivers should follow the speed limit and practice defensive driving.
  • Drivers should exercise caution and be aware of pedestrians in the vicinity.
  • Special care should be taken when reversing.
  • Pedestrians have the right-of-way at crosswalks

Are You a Pedestrian Who Was Injured in an Accident?

If you have suffered an injury as a pedestrian, our legal team at Corradino & Papa, LLC is here to assist you with a free consultation. We understand the impact of neglect or careless actions and the frustration and helplessness that victims experience. We believe in your rights and will help you fight back against those responsible for your situation.

To determine whether our personal injury firm is the right fit for you, contact us to schedule a free consultation today. Over the years, we have successfully recovered millions of dollars for clients in personal injury cases similar to yours. We hope to have the opportunity to support you during this challenging time. If you have been involved in a pedestrian accident, it is crucial to reach out to Corradino & Papa, LLC as soon as possible.

Contact us at 973-574-1200 or use our online form to get in touch with a representative.