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Does Spring Cause The Most Car Accidents?

Spring is just round the corner and it’s a time of sunshine and joy. Maybe you’re planning to head out for a vacation or are just looking forward to hit the road after a dreary season of being cooped up inside. It’s worthwhile to take extra precautions especially if you’re driving a motor vehicle. According to a recent study, car accidents in the spring season are more common than in any other season. The study, which analyzed data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), found that the number of car accidents increases by nearly 20% in the spring compared to the winter. The reasons for this increase are varied, but some factors that contribute to car accidents in the spring include the following.

Changing Weather Conditions

One of the primary reasons for the increase in car accidents during spring is the change in weather conditions. The weather in spring can be unpredictable, with sudden showers, hailstorms, and other adverse weather events that can create hazardous driving conditions as the ice and snow melt. When roads are wet, it can reduce tire traction and make it harder to stop your vehicle. This can lead to hydroplaning, skidding, and ultimately, car accidents.

More Traffic on The Road

With the warmer weather, people are more likely to travel, whether for vacations or day trips. Cyclists may also be spotted more frequently. With more vehicles and people around, the chances of accidents increase. Moreover, with more people traveling, drivers may be more tempted to use their phones, eat or engage in other distracting activities while behind the wheel. This can lead to drivers being less attentive, increasing the likelihood of accidents.

Wildlife Activity

Wildlife activity is another factor that contributes to the rise in car accidents during spring. As the weather gets warmer, animals, such as deer, become more active and move around more frequently, which can lead to them darting out into the road unexpectedly. If drivers are not paying attention, they can easily collide with the animal, leading to an accident. This is especially common on roads with high traffic at night.


Winter can be brutal on roads, causing potholes to form. Potholes are not only a nuisance, but they can also damage your car and cause accidents if you’re not careful. When driving in the spring, it’s important to keep an eye out for potholes and avoid them if possible.

It’s true that the spring season is a time of renewal, but it’s also a season that sees a significant increase in car accidents. The changing weather conditions, the increase in traffic, and wildlife activity are just some of the factors that contribute to the higher number of accidents during this time. By being aware of these factors and taking steps to stay safe on the roads, drivers can reduce the risk of accidents and enjoy the beauty of spring safely. Remember, safety always comes first, no matter the season. If you’ve been injured in a car accident and need an attorney, feel free to contact us.