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Do I Need A Lawyer For Car Accidents?

If you have been in a car accident, you may be wondering whether hiring a lawyer is the best course of action. Particularly if the injuries you suffered were serious or if damage done to your car was severe, your best bet of advancing your interests and receiving due compensation would to be hire a lawyer.

When such accidents happen, there can be significant financial and emotional burdens for all parties involved. If you were unable to return to work or lost a loved one, the pain and suffering cannot be quantified. If your car accident was the result of another’s negligence, consider the below factors when it comes to hiring a lawyer.

If you were involved in a car accident where no parties were injured and minimal damage done to the vehicles, you may not need to hire a lawyer. However, if the injuries you sustained were serious or require long-term care, engage legal assistance immediately. Often, medical bills are not the only expense you will incur. It can be difficult for the average person to assess how your injuries will affect your future earning capacity, and professional assistance can give you a better idea. The amount of compensation you are entitled to depends on the extent of treatment you require as well as the impact these injuries will have on your present and future earning capacity and quality of life.

Economic losses such as medical bills and vehicle repair services are often easy to quantify. However, what happens when a car accident has caused you to suffer a non-economic loss? This can include but is not limited to:

  • Loss of a loved one or loss of companionship
  • Missing days of work or school
  • Inability to continue working in the same capacity
  • Being unable to take part in the activities you used to enjoy
  • Mental health conditions resulting from emotional trauma
  • … and many more

Such losses are usually calculated under pain and suffering, and you will need the help of an experienced car accident lawyer to build the strength of your case.

It is very rare that neither party is at fault when a car accident occurs. Someone is almost always at fault, and a driver can be 0% to 100% at fault or anywhere in between. When talking to your insurance company, they will always try to establish liability in order to determine the amount of compensation you are entitled to. If their questions seem confusing or you are unsure how to answer, engage a lawyer for legal assistance. Anything you say can be used to adjust the level of compensation you are entitled to and you do not want to unknowingly act against your best interests.

If you have been injured in a car accident, you can count on expert representation from Corradino and Papa, LLC. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.