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Differences Between Personal And Premises Liabilities

If you have sustained a personal injury recently, then you might have some pressing questions. For example, you might be asking how to best treat the injury and what was the actual cause. It is also important that you know what needs to be done so that such injuries do not happen again in the future. However, one of the hardest questions to answer is who should be held liable for the injury. First, you need to know that there are two kinds of liabilities when it comes to personal injuries, namely, personal and premises liabilities. As such, this article will be useful to you because it will explain the key differences between the two.

Imagine the scenario where you are shopping in a mall. All of a sudden you notice that a man pushing a trolley is walking into your path but there is no time to avoid the collision. This could be attributed to a million different reasons. Perhaps he was playing with his phone or maybe he was talking to his wife. However, when the pushing cart hits you, it is too late. You fall to the ground and land on your palm. Unfortunately, you have to go to the hospital to put your arm in a cast because you have just sustained a hairline fracture in your wrist. This is the start of a tiresome and frustrating treatment process which involves many different kinds of medical fees as well as time wasted. In this situation, the man who knocked you over as a result of his negligence can be held accountable under the law of personal liability.

Personal liability can be observed when another individual commits a negligent act that cause harm to another individual. This is not restricted to bodily harm. In fact, if your personal belongings are damaged as a result of someone else’s negligence, you can claim compensation under personal liability as well.

In the scenario where you were to trip and fall due to a missing tile in your office, chances are that you will be able to claim compensation under premises liability. If your employer admits to knowing about the missing tile and yet did nothing about it, then this is also considered a gross act of negligence. Hence, you can hold your employer or the company liable for your injury. The difference from personal liability is that premises liability revolves around a personal injury that is sustained on a certain premise, and not as a result of someone else’s direct act of negligence. As such, the liability might fall on the person in charge of the premises. However, the bottom line is that it might be hard to prove either type of liability and this is why hiring a good attorney to help you in your case is so important.

If you are looking for expert and professional representation for your personal injury case, look no further than the wonderful team here at Corradino and Papa, LLC. Feel free to contact our friendly customer service staff to get a free consultation.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.