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Did The Insurance Company Delay Your Personal Injury Claim In New Jersey?

Most people are aware of their rights if the insurance company defaults on payment. However, what do you do if they have delayed your personal injury claim? You may be unaware of this, but the reason they do so can be to make you desperate enough to settle for less.
Think about it: you have a mountain of pending bills and little to no income during the period you were hospitalized or undergoing treatment. When the insurance company delays your claim, you may feel anxious that you will end up getting nothing at all, pressurizing you into accepting a lower claim than you deserve. Do not let this happen. When in doubt, always consult an experienced personal injury attorney before proceeding.

Although insurance companies are liable to settle your claim within a specific period, they often find ways and means to delay it. Below are some of the common reasons insurance companies give in delaying your claim:

  • Ignoring your attempts to get in touch in the hopes that you will accept a lower offer after receiving no response
  • Paying a lower amount than you are due
  • Claiming that your case is still under investigation
  • Requesting for unnecessary documentation before agreeing to release a payment
  • Denying your claim outright
  • Claiming that the policy terms are different from what was originally agreed upon
  • …. And many more

Having handled numerous personal injury claims, an experienced attorney will be familiar with the tactics employed by insurance companies to get you to capitulate. Be rest assured that when you engage our services at Corradino and Papa, LLC, our attorneys are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to counter the efforts of insurance companies.

The wisest course of action upon meeting unreasonable delays is to seek legal advice. With your attorney in charge of correspondence with the insurance company, they can handle the negotiation process as well as iron out all terms and conditions of the policy. However, if the insurance company continues to delay or refuses to come to terms, you could file a bad faith claim against them.
Bad faith claims can only be filed if all the below conditions are present:

  • You and your attorney have made a reasonable number of attempts at getting in touch with and providing evidence to the insurance company regarding your claim.
  • An assessment of your damages has been carried out.
  • Coverage liability has been established. Simply put, this is how much the insurance company has agreed to pay you.

Has your personal injury claim payout been delayed by the insurance company? If so, do not give in and accept a lower amount than you deserve. Let the experienced attorneys at Corradino and Papa, LLC, represent you and fight for the rightful compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.