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Determining Construction Accident Liability

If you have worked or are currently working on a construction site, you would know that it can be an extremely dangerous place. Construction accidents are common because of the nature of the work. However, it is important to know about construction accident liability in case you ever get injured during work. This issue can be hard to navigate because of the complexities of various legal proceedings and this is why you should definitely consider hiring a well-versed and competent attorney to guide you through this process. In the unfortunate case that you sustain an injury while working construction, it is essential that you ascertain who is liable. The following sections will explain some of the factors in determining who is at fault and give you more insight into the topic.

Key Factors

  • Location of the accident: Construction sites can be quite complex and chaotic at times. As such, it is crucial that you know where exactly the accident occurred. This is because workers perform vastly different duties in numerous venues on the construction site.
  • The person-in-charge during the accident: An important factor to take note of is who the person-in-charge when the accident occurred. Note that you should find out all the people who were managing or supervising the site during your work accident. If it is found that the person-in-charge was negligent, they could be held accountable.
  • Pre-existing working conditions: It will also be wise to take note what the working conditions were like before the accident occurred. If you see that the accident site did not follow the OSHA regulations, then the people in charge of ensuring that these regulations are met can be held responsible for your injuries.

Below are some of the main reasons why you should hire a good construction accident attorney to offer you representation for your case.

  • Long-term costs: Although you might be successful in securing your workers’ compensation after your accident, the fact is that it might only be sufficient in covering your short-term costs. Thus, if you were to be suffering from an injury that might create long-term problems, you might not have enough compensation to cover all the heavy medical costs. As such, a dedicated and experienced construction accident attorney will be able to help you estimate these costs and file another claim to fund these medical fees.
  • Working in your best interests: This might be a tough pill to swallow, but even though your employer or provider might claim that they are doing their best to help you, chances are that they are working in their own selfish interests. A construction accident attorney will guarantee that they will only work to strengthen your case and help you.
  • Third-party liability: In many cases, there are third parties that might be responsible for your injuries. Hiring an attorney would mean that they will help you to see if any third-party should be liable for your injuries.

Look no further than Corradino & Papa, LLC if you are searching for a team of highly dedicated and experienced attorneys to help you with your construction accident compensation case. Do not hesitate to book a free consultation today.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.