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Debunking Myths About Hiring A Personal Injury Attorney

Hiring a personal injury attorney doesn’t have to be as confusing or daunting as it may first seem. In fact, a number of people would feel perfectly at ease hiring an attorney had their heads not already been filled with some of the most common myths regarding personal injury claims, the court cases that surround them, the lawyers, and more.

It’s unfortunate because crucial knowledge of the importance of the legal procedures surrounding personal injury lawsuits is hindered due to stigmas created by such myths. More simply put, thanks to ridiculous claims and stories, people who could be getting money (as the result of a personal injury lawsuit) don’t. Why? Because they’ve been scared away by myths.

Let’s take care of some misunderstanding and misinformation right now. That way, should you be injured – and at some point in time, most people are – you will be a little more knowledgeable about personal injury lawsuits and an attorney who can help you.

Get ready for the myths!

There’s not enough time in the world to prove how ridiculous that claim is. First off, there are all kinds of lawyers including divorce, personal injury, those who specialize in vehicle accidents, workers compensation lawyers, and many, many more. Add to that the fact there are lawyers of differing caliber, and the “all the same” claim becomes absolutely ludicrous.

It’s Expensive to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

Here’s the deal: Hire the right lawyer and a) you will get a free initial consultation and b) they don’t get paid unless you win. You’re trying to get money – not give it away! Acquire the services of the right lawyer.

You’ll Automatically Be Compensated If You Consult a Lawyer

First of all, you may or may not have a case. That’s what an initial consultation is for – to determine whether or not you stand a good chance of getting compensation. Secondly, nothing is a given. Some cases, though there are very few with the right lawyer, simply cannot guarantee huge amounts of compensation. Your attorney – if they’re honest with you – can give you their best opinion of your outlook.

Everything Is Covered by Insurance

Simply put – no, it is not. What’s more, there’s not always adequate insurance to cover any and all damages. Add to that the fact that insurance companies will do anything and everything in their power not to give money away, and you stand the chance of getting very little from an insurance company – without adequate legal representation.

Let’s not forget, too, that some people don’t have insurance – even though they should.

Personal Injury Cases Are Tiresome and Complicated

Whether or not that’s the case, you hire a legal representative to do just that – represent you. They will fight for your rights, fight for fair compensation, do all the legal wrangling, and more, so you don’t have to.

This couldn’t be further from the truth. Even if there are no evident physical injuries, you may still have a case, compensation coming, and rights that need to be represented. Don’t short yourself.

Corradino & Papa – When You Need an Attorney to Represent Your Personal Injury Claim

Now that you better understand the lay of the land where personal injury attorneys are concerned, when you need one, here’s who to contact: Corradino & Papa. We will do everything in our power to help you get the compensation you’re entitled to.