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Corradino & Papa Advises on Spectator Safety During Sports Events This Fall

Fall is an exciting time for sports fans. However, as personal injury firm Corradino & Papa advises, the risk of personal injury at a sporting game is significant. Understand your risk so you can stay safe throughout the season as you cheer on your favorite teams.

“There’s nothing more exciting than a fall game,” explained Jack Vincent Corradino, personal injury lawyer, “but whenever you attend a sporting event, you are assuming a certain amount of risk. Be aware that injury is always a possibility.”

As Corradino identified, risks to attendees go far beyond their own seats at the game: “Injuries can happen anywhere in the stadium, including any public areas where fans are allowed, from walkways and stairs to restrooms. Objects such as baseballs can fly from the field and hit fans in the crowd. Add in alcohol and lack of security or police presence at some events and it’s easy to see why injuries are so common at these fall staples.”

If you’re one of the thousands of fans that make their way to sporting events each season in Jersey, there are some things the Corradino & Papa team recommends to keep yourself and your family and friends safe while having a great time at the game:

  • Plan ahead. You’ll have the most fun if you coordinate transportation and other arrangements with your group of friends before booking your tickets.
  • Stay with a buddy. Avoid walking around by yourself; travel to and from bathrooms, concession stands, and other spots with a friend in case you get lost, a stranger approaches you, or a fight breaks out.
  • Protect your valuables. Large crowds provide prime targets for thieves. Keep your wallet and other valuables safely stowed away.
  • Limit your alcohol intake. Alcohol is responsible for a large percentage of injuries and sporting events. Don’t allow yourself to become so inebriated that you lose control.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Pay attention to who is around you and where exits and security personnel are located.
  • Have a meet-up plan. Arrange a place to meet if anyone becomes separated from your group.

Taking the above steps can help keep you safe, but the stadium or venue also has some responsibility, explained Corradino. The stadium must take certain measures to keep the area as safe as possible.

Safe Sports Measures

  • Ensuring that stands and bleachers are safe and in good repair
  • Making sure that there is sufficient lighting so that fans can see where they’re walking
  • Eliminating trip hazards and keeping the floor clear of debris
  • Posting warning signs where potential hazards exist
  • Installing safety rails and barriers to prevent attendees from falling from bleachers or stands

“These are just a few of the basics that stadium owners and managers are responsible for when it comes to keeping spectators safe.”

About Corradino & Papa

Corradino & Papa is a personal injury law firm in New Jersey dedicated to representing victims of injuries and accidents. The firm boasts a long record of successes against insurance companies, corporate defendants, and individuals. If you have sustained an injury at a sporting event, you may be entitled to compensation. Seek medical attention, document the incident with pictures or videos, and contact Corradino & Papa as soon as possible for support.