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Common Mistakes People Make After Sustaining A Dog Bite Injury

Dogs are termed as man’s best friend for good reason. They are fiercely loyal, they act as trusty companions in times of trouble, and will most likely contribute to your happiness if treated right. Have you ever given in to the urge of petting a dog on the street? If you have, you are definitely not alone. While interacting and meeting a dog can bring about therapeutic effects, they are, after all, still animals.

This means that you can never fully predict their behaviors. In fact, dogs each have their own personality and we cannot rule out the chance that one might attack you, even if you only mean well. This can lead to you getting a dog bite injury that can be a lot of trouble.

Bear in mind that whenever you approach a dog that is unfamiliar to you, you are taking the chance of interacting with a dog who may or may not have been properly trained by its owner. As such, if you or your loved ones have ever gotten a dog bite injury, here are some common mistakes that you should avoid.

Not Seeking Medical Treatment

In the unfortunate case where you have gotten a dog bite injury, never underestimate the seriousness of the injury based on how it looks. It might be small in size but can lead to serious infection or even rabies. Therefore, it is so important to visit a medical professional as quickly as possible once you have been bitten by a dog. Medical professionals can help to make sure that you get the proper medical care to help you recover from the bite. If you choose not to get your injury checked, you risk facing health complications and even death in some cases.

Speaking with Any Insurance Company

While you might think that your insurance agent is always looking out for your well-being, it cannot be denied that insurance providers have their best interests at heart first. Speaking with an insurance company will mean that the conversation will be recorded. When they ask you for the details, you might let slip some information that might jeopardize your eligibility to a claim. For example, if you share details about how you approached the dog or provoked the dog before the injury, the insurance company can use this fact against you. This is why you should always consult a reliable dog bite lawyer before you have this conversation with the insurance company.

Not Consulting a Trustworthy Dog Bite Lawyer

In the situation where you are injured by a dog, the last thing you want to worry about is the finances and potential medical fees. A good dog bite lawyer will be able to help you claim damages for the following:

  • Lost wages
  • Medical bills
  • Emotional distress

The fact is that insurance companies will fight for giving you the lowest possible settlement. This is why you should get an experienced attorney to represent you when you are trying to claim for a dog bite injury.

Choose Corradino & Papa, LLC for Dog Bite Injuries

If you have been bitten by a dog, you can rely on the expert attorneys here at Corradino & Papa, LLC to make your case stronger. Feel free to book a free consultation today!

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.