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Common Causes Of Winter Car Accidents

Due to sleet, snow, black ice leading to numerous winter car accidents, many people don’t like to think about being on the road during the winter months. Snow can result in very dangerous road conditions for both truck drivers and automobile drivers. Snow is relatively inevitable in New Jersey so it’s crucial that, when precarious winter conditions arise, drivers be knowledgeable regarding how to best navigate.

During the winter months, some pretty dangerous driving conditions can exist in New Jersey. Frequent car and truck accidents can occur due to a snowy mix of ice, rain, and dropping temperatures. Several determining factors include the following:

  • Improper vehicle maintenance
  • Low visibility
  • Slippery roads

Keep Your Vehicle Properly Maintained

Particularly during winter, it’s important to maintain your car properly. Problems that a vehicle is already having may actually be exacerbated by cold weather. Before heading out into winter weather conditions that can, at times, be uncertain, make sure your headlights, fog lights, defroster fans, and windshield wipers are working and tires are checked.

Consider Visibility

It can be hard to see even a few feet in front of you when visibility is decreased due to blizzards, heavy snow, and blowing snow. If you can, stay home. If you can’t, watch your surroundings carefully, make sure your windshield wipers are functioning, and your tires have a good tread.

Watch Out For Slippery Roads

Difficult conditions can be created for drivers when roads become slick as a result of dropping temperatures. Particularly dangerous, because it’s not easy to see, is black ice. Always consider the possibility of icy and slippery roads.

A Quick Recap – Winter Driving tips

Here are a few tips for driving this winter:

  • Check to see that tires have a good tread and are properly inflated
  • Have enough windshield washer fluid
  • Make sure windshield wipers are in good condition
  • Check to be sure there are no leaks in the heating/cooling system
  • Make sure all lights are in working order (i.e., turn signals, brake lights, headlights, etc.)
  • Your gas tank should always be as full as possible
  • Make sure your battery is always fully charged

Turn to Corradino & Papa When Winter Driving Goes Wrong

Sometimes, what it boils down to is this: It’s not if you will have an accident in winter, but when. Can you drive in New Jersey, winter after winter, year after year, without having an accident? Of course, you can. But if you do become embroiled in a New Jersey car or truck accident, be sure to contact Corradino & Papa as soon as possible. The sooner you have us on your side, researching the accident and surrounding circumstances, the better chance you have of your rights being successfully defended.

If you have been hurt in a traffic incident – or in some other manner – let us concentrate on everything that needs to be done legally, while you just work on your recovery.

Fill out our convenient online form to book a free consultation at no obligation to you.