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Claiming Compensation After A Car Accident

Every day, you have places to go, people to see, and things to do. How do you get to the location of most of the things on your list? You drive. When you get behind the wheel, one of the furthest things from your mind might be the fact that you could be involved in an accident. As dangerous as vehicles are, however, it’s something you should think about. As a driver, you are required by law to follow the rules of the road while driving and act safely. Unfortunately, serious motor vehicle collisions can occur from the failure to obey laws. As a result of negligent driving, car accidents happen every day.

When these types of accidents happen, for everyone involved there can be significant financial burdens, emotional issues to deal with, and possibly even physical injuries. It’s essential that you contact an experienced attorney to assist you with your case if you have been in a car accident and are the victim of another’s negligence.

Not All Car Accidents Are Created Equally

Sadly, it is not at all uncommon for car accidents to occur. There are, however, different types of motor vehicle incidents. The following can be included in various kinds of car accidents:

  • Collisions involving a single vehicle – Veering off the road is frequently what happens in single vehicle collisions. The vehicle crashes on the side of the road as a result of hazardous road conditions and other causes.
  • T-bone collisions – Often, these types of accidents occur at stop signs or traffic lights when one driver illegally runs through what should have been a stop and crashes into the vehicle that, technically, had the right-of-way.
  • Collisions that take place at low speeds – Rather than roads, parking lots are a common place for low-speed collisions. As an example, when one car backs into another as they are leaving a parking spot, a low-speed collision could occur.
  • Rear end collisions – When a car strikes the vehicle directly in front of it, more times than not, a lack of attention on the driver of the vehicle doing the striking is the cause. Cell phones are a prime candidate for causing this type of lack of attention today. For whatever reason, traffic has stopped in front of this car and the driver never noticed. If you’re the vehicle that’s been struck, chances are, you’re not particularly at fault.

Victim of a Car Accident? Are You Eligible for Compensation?

That is the big question when you’ve been in a car accident.

Naturally, for their pain-and-suffering, many people seek compensation from the negligent driver through legal action. A personal injury claim would need to be filed. The party who was injured should be ready to prove the negligence of the other driver that, they feel, is the reason for their injury.

Here are some suggestions regarding proof:

  • Witness testimonies
  • Pictures of the wreckage
  • Injury related medical documentation
  • Accident police report, etc.

Depending on the circumstances, both noneconomic and economic compensation may be retrievable to assist with the emotional and physical injuries or problems that arise as a result of a car accident.

Choose Corradino & Papa, LLC For Compensation

If you have been injured in a car accident, you can count on expert representation from Corradino and Papa, LLC. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.