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Can I Sue If My Pet Was Injured In A Motor Vehicle Accident

Many pet lovers take their companions with them wherever they go. Even those who don’t, they may have to transport their pets occasionally to the vet, boarding, playdates, and more. That means a cat, dog, etc. could be riding in a car involved in a collision. Hopefully, the pet was adequately and appropriately restrained during the ride. Unfortunately, many people neglect their duty to restrain a pet when it’s in a motor vehicle.

If your pet was injured in a motor vehicle accident, what are your legal options?

If you’re involved in a motor vehicle accident and your pet is injured or killed as a result, against the other party/liable driver, you may wish to bring a claim, just like you would if you suffered injuries in the accident. In certain situations, on behalf of their pets, plaintiffs can bring claims. This applies mostly to accidents involving the negligence of someone else. On the grounds of negligence, you may have a claim if your pet is harmed due to a distracted, drunk, or careless driver.

The following are damages you may want to seek recovery for.

Non-economic or intangible losses may be suffered by you if your pet dies in an accident. This can be one of the most important damage recovery forms if you lose your beloved companion due to the carelessness of someone else. It refers to the mental anguish and emotional suffering you experience as a result of the loss of your cat, dog, etc. The court can issue an award for the loss of your pet’s affection, love, society, and companionship.

Your Pet’s Market Value

Your pet’s market value may need to be reimbursed – via a court order – if, resulting from the accident, your pet passes away. In some cases, this might not be a high amount, but, regardless, “market value” compensation may be entitled to the owner of a pet that dies in an accident. Some purebred animals can be quite costly.

Your Pet Treatment Costs

Particularly if your pet is required to stay at the vet during recovery and/or they require surgery, vet bills can escalate fast! For any accident-related veterinary expenses, keep a record.

Punitive Damages

You may additionally be capable of punitive damage receipt if, in causing the car accident, the other responsible party/driver showed gross negligence. For example, if they had twice the legal limit blood alcohol level – to punish them for the injury or death of your pet – the courts may award punitive damages of an additional nature.

Trust Corradino & Papa to File Your Pet’s Personal Injury Claim

If your pet has been injured or killed in an automobile accident, and it was the fault of someone else, don’t wait another moment to get in touch with the professionals at Corradino & Papa. We will do everything in our power to help you get the compensation you’re entitled to. If you and/or your pet have been injured, let us do all the heavy lifting while you and your little buddy concentrate on getting well.