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5 Things You Can Do To Help Your Personal Injury Case

What would be the first thing that goes through your mind after being subjected to gross negligence or misconduct causing a personal injury? Confusion? Fear? Pain?

For many of us, it may be a combination of the three as we had been put through a potentially traumatic situation. But, it is important to remember after an incident that, whenever possible, you should begin the discovery process. The information you gather in the initial aftermath of an incident may have a dramatic influence on any future litigation you may be involved in.

We at Corradino & Papa, LLC are on a mission to ensure that our clients start on the right track. Before you call us, here are five things that you can do to help your personal injury case.

1. Write everything down: In a personal injury incident, it is important to have a comprehensive and clear timeline of the events leading up to and more importantly after the incident occurred. Understanding that most people don’t carry around a legal pad and pen, be resourceful. Making voice notes into a cell phone is helpful, or you can even write an email to yourself breaking down everything that occurred.

2. Call an attorney as soon as possible: The sooner you alert a personal injury attorney to your incident, the sooner you can work together to achieve a fair and equitable settlement.

3. Tell us everything: It is important to tell your personal injury attorney everything about the incident you are discussing. We understand that you may not want to share some details, or that they may be embarrassing, but missing details could be the key to achieving a significant settlement.

4. Keep detailed notes: It is not solely the responsibility of your personal injury attorney to keep the chronology of the trial organized for you. Keep a notebook that is clearly organized. If you work better on a computer, create a Google calendar that can be shared by yourself and your personal injury attorney. This way, your personal injury attorney can add events around your schedule and you can be updated instantly.

5. Consistent communication: Piggybacking on top of the previous tip, it is imperative to check-in with your personal injury attorney consistently to make sure there isn’t anything they need or require from you. In addition, follow up on any phone calls or emails as quickly as possible.

The path to an equitable and settlement for a personal injury begins with a successful partnership between the client and personal injury attorney. And, by writing everything down following an incident, alerting an attorney and telling them everything while keeping the lines of communication open will ensure a stable foundation, leading to eventual successes.

About Corradino & Papa, LLC:

Personal Injury victims have a voice and the attorneys at Corradino & Papa, LLC are ready to fight for them. They are dedicated to the well-being of their clients and committed to making whoever is responsible answer for their gross negligence and misconduct. To learn more about Corradino & Papa, LLC and the legal services they offer, please visit their website,