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Big Mistakes That Can Destroy Your Workers’ Compensation

If you have ever been injured while working, or if you know of someone that has been through a similar situation, this article is for you. It is important to have an awareness of some of the biggest mistakes you can make when you are claiming for workers’ compensation. In this process, you might experience feelings of frustration and anger because it can be hard to navigate the legal aspects of your claim without professional help. Furthermore, there might be a great deal of uncertainty and chaos if you are unsure of whether your insurance provider can help you or not. This article should be able to answer some of the questions you might have regarding workers’ compensation.

A common misconception is that your employer is responsible for filing all the mandatory forms and guiding you through the legal processes. While your employer needs to file a Form 19 report of injury, the onus is on you to report your injury within 5 working days of your boss finding out about the injury. However, note that the form that you submit will not offer protection over your claim. This is why you will need to file an independent notice to your employer and file a form 18 for the Industrial Commission.

One of the biggest mistakes is the failure to disclose your full medical history after suffering from the work injury. You need to ensure that you inform your medical provider about how the injury happened exactly, and that it occurred while you were working. Failure to do so might lower the chances of receiving the proper medical treatment that you need. This is because your insurance provider will do its due diligence when investigating every workers’ compensation claim. While they interview you and any witnesses, they will also take a look at your medical records. They will thoroughly inspect your medical records and make sure that you were telling the truth about the injury. The bottom line is that you should explain to your doctor all the details regarding your work accident.

While the insurance adjuster can advise you on where to get treatment, they cannot stop you from getting a second opinion. Due to misinformation and dishonest business practices, many people who suffer from work injuries have been wrongly told that they cannot look for a second opinion. However, the fact is that the law permits you to look for a second opinion from a qualified medical practitioner of your choice. However, if you have been released by the doctor but are still feeling the pain, you should seek better treatment. Unfortunately, this might not be easy to achieve and that is why it is so beneficial to hire a competent attorney to help recover better.

If you have gotten into a work accident and want to claim compensation so that you can focus on recovering, look no further than Corradino and Papa, LLC. We can offer you premium legal services and a free consultation.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.