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Avoiding Accidents With Semi-Trucks

As some of the largest vehicles on the road, semi-trucks often weigh more than 10,000 lbs. This is why accidents involving semi-trucks are so common, making the need to take extra precaution all the more important. Because we never know when we may be sharing the road with semi-trucks, it is crucial to keep certain tips in mind when you spot one in the vicinity of your vehicle. Avoiding accidents with semi-trucks is possible – simply pay close attention and never take your eyes off the road for a moment.

As the saying goes, if you cannot see them, they cannot see you. A good rule of thumb when driving near a semi-truck is that if you cannot see the driver’s face in their side mirror, they cannot see you as well. Generally speaking, there are four blind spots in semi-trucks: along each side as well as directly in front and behind. With such a large vehicle, it is to be expected that their blind spots also possess a huge range. Hence, whatever you do, avoid driving in these blind spots.

When trying to pass a semi-truck, keep in mind that you should not try to do so the way you would pass any other car. Although semi-trucks tend to move slower than other vehicles due to its massive size and weight, you should not attempt to pass one without taking extra precaution as it puts both of you at risk. Instead, follow the below guidelines to pass a semi-truck safely and avoid accidents.

  • Always pass a semi-truck by the left side. This is because the largest blind spot of such trucks is on their right.
  • Even if there are no other vehicles around, always use your turn signal to inform the semi-truck driver of your intentions.
  • When passing a semi-truck, take your time and allow for extra space. Semi-trucks are huge vehicles and it is always better to overestimate the window of space needed than go too close and put yourself at risk of accident. As a general rule, a 10-car length gap is a safe enough distance.
  • When in doubt, always make sure you can see the truck’s headlights in your rearview mirror before cutting in front of it.
  • Do not rush – make sure you are passing under the safest possible conditions.

Although you should be driving carefully all the time, it is even more important when you are driving in the vicinity of a semi-truck. At all times, make sure you do not do anything that means moving your hands off the steering wheel or taking your eyes off the road. That piece of paper that has fallen onto the floor can wait. So can your phone.

If you or a loved one have been the victim of a truck accident in New Jersey, do not delay – engage a truck accident attorney immediately. Enjoy peace of mind with an experienced and competent attorney from Corradino and Papa, LLC, advocating strongly for your interests and fighting for the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free initial consultation.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.