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3 Reasons To Talk To A Personal Injury Lawyer Before The Insurance Adjuster

If you or someone close to you is injured in an accident, the first thing you should do is consult an attorney before contacting your insurance company. People who do not contact an attorney often have problems with their insurance company when it comes to getting a fair settlement. Having an experienced attorney to guide you through the next steps and represent your case can make a significant difference in the outcome of the settlement. Here are three reasons why you should speak with a personal injury attorney before the insurance adjuster.

Help with Communicating Injury Details

You should always get checked out by a doctor as soon as possible. It is important to get checked out, as this may affect the amount of your claim. For example, if you wait too long to get treatment, the insurance company may use this against you and claim that your injuries were not severe enough to warrant immediate treatment. When notifying your insurer about the injury, provide only basic information and do not make any written statements. Instead, hire an attorney to communicate with the insurance adjusters.

They Will Thoroughly Investigate Your Accident

You should also gather information about the accident, especially if you were involved in a car accident. Damages and costs related to your injuries will need to be proven with evidence and photographs, so make sure you get all the information you need. This includes the contact and insurance information of the person who caused the accident. Gather all documentation related to your accident, such as the police report, medical bills, and repair costs for your vehicle. It can be quite tedious to gather all of this information on your own, but an experienced attorney can help you investigate your accident and gather the necessary information as evidence for you.

Avoid Bad Faith Insurance Tactics

Insurance companies often try to invalidate your injury claim with what are known as “bad faith tactics.” To avoid falling for one of these tactics, be aware of them and talk to your attorney if you find yourself in a situation you cannot handle.

One of these tactics is to contact you immediately after the accident. This is to get you to provide information that could harm your claim before you have a chance to speak with an attorney and understand your rights. If you are seeking full compensation, you should ignore your insurance adjuster’s advice not to hire an attorney.

Another common tactic is to stalk you on social media. People post everything on their social media pages, and it can be easy for your insurance company to find information about you, the accident, and your injury status. A simple update about your injury that your family and friends can see can be used against you and invalidate your injury claim. It is always recommended that injury victims keep quiet about the details of their accident until they have spoken with an attorney.

About Corradino & Papa, LLC.

Do you need an experienced personal injury lawsuit attorney? Corradino & Papa, LLC has a team with over 25 years of experience advocating for injury victims. Because we have extensive financial resources, we will thoroughly investigate your case to ensure you receive fair compensation. Contact Corradino & Papa, LLC today for a free initial consultation.