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3 Damages You Can Claim In A Big Rig Truck Accident

Big rig trucks can be spotted on major highways in the country. Accidents involving big rig trucks can be catastrophic. These vehicles are enormous and heavy, and they are likely to do significant damage. If you or somebody you know is a victim of a big rig truck accident, an experienced truck accident lawyer can help you claim compensation. Learn about the types of damages you can claim in this type of accident.

Common Causes of Big Rig Truck Accidents

Motorcycles, cars, and pedestrians share the road with huge trucks. According to the National Safety Council, 4,842 large trucks were involved in fatal accidents in 2020. Any vehicle collision can result in casualties but the consequences of a big rig truck accident are far worse than you can imagine. Parties involved in the accident can face severe injuries or even death.

Fatal accidents like these can happen due to several reasons, including:

  • Driving under influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Fatigued drivers
  • Overloading of cargo
  • Negligence by the truck company
  • Speeding
  • Faulty vehicle parts
  • Lack of maintenance of the truck

Depending on the cause of your truck accident and the injuries you suffer, it’s possible to claim damages. The truck driver can be liable for the accident due to aggressive driving or the trucking company may be at fault for failing to maintain the vehicle. Now that you have a better understanding of how liability is determined, let’s go through the three common types of damages you can claim in a big rig truck accident.

Economic Damages

If you are the unfortunate victim of a big rig truck accident, you may be able to claim economic damages. They include costs that can be calculated, such as rehabilitation and medicare care costs, loss of earning capacity, and lost wages. You can also claim vehicle damages and property damages for items like your glasses and electronics that were destroyed in the accident. The following can also be included:

  • Future medical expenses
  • Child care expenses
  • Any other economic loss that arises as a result of the accident

Non-economic Damages

Another type of damage you claim is non-economic damages. These are the intangible damages that compensate you for the emotional distress, pain, and suffering that you had to go through because of the accident.

If you suffer from grave injuries, you may be awarded non-economic damages that are two or three times greater than the amount of economic damages. It’s not uncommon to be awarded six-figure or seven-figure sums.

Punitive Damages

It’s also possible to claim punitive damages. These are damages imposed on a carrier or other party who acts in ill faith, such as being dishonest or careless.

The amount you can claim will depend on factors such as the seriousness of your injuries, your medical expenses, and whether you can gather strong evidence to support your case. To successfully claim damages, you will need help to find the facts and witnesses. Corradino & Papa, LLC understands the challenge you face following a big rig truck accident. We can guide you in this process and handle all the legal aspects on your behalf while you recover from the accident. Contact us to schedule a free consultation.