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12 Most Common Personal Injuries In Winter

Is there a particular time of year when injuries are sustained by people more frequently than others? Not surprisingly, personal injuries in winter outnumber other seasons. You can be injured in many ways during winter. These injuries can be horrific and life-threatening, minor, or somewhere in between. Seeking damages and compensation, many people seek out the advice of an experienced attorney after being injured in a slip, a fall, or a motor vehicle accident.

Let’s look at some of the most common incidents to occur in winter, the injuries that may result, and then we will suggest a reputable, experienced lawyer from whom you can seek assistance with your personal injury claim.

Though there are many ways to get hurt in winter, here are the most commonly reported accidents or incidents to occur during the winter months:

  • Space heater incidents

As fall approaches, space heaters should be checked. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen. In your home, a serious hazard can be presented by these types of appliances. You can get burned if you touch them accidentally when they are on. They may also cause a fire if they become overheated or malfunction.

  • Drunk driving accidents

Your vision is affected when you drive drunk. In winter, your vision is further limited by blowing snow, sleet, or fresh snow Don’t push your luck. Drinking and driving is never a good idea.

  • General automobile collisions

Motor vehicle crashes are the second most common cause of winter injuries. Black ice conditions, fresh snowfalls, and generally slippery roads make broken limbs, amputations, cuts, and bruises, etc. highly likely during winter driving.

  • Accidents/injuries involving slip and fall incidents

As a result of slip and fall accidents in winter, thousands of people lose their lives. Short of that, slip and fall accidents can result in a lifetime of disabilities for any number of people. Most accidents happen courtesy of slippery stairways, driveways, and sidewalks.

Winter’s Most Common Accident Injuries

The following are the most commonly occurring accident related injuries during the winter months:

  • Spinal injury
  • Soft tissue injury
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Head injury
  • Lacerations and cuts
  • Wrist and hip fractures
  • Ankle strains and sprains
  • Wrist sprain
  • Neck and back injury
  • Broken bones
  • Burns
  • Elbow fractures

Many winter accidents can be avoided by doing the right thing and practicing caution.

Turn to Corradino & Papa for Personal Injury Claims

Whether you slip and fall on private property, government property, or commercial property, or you’re injured as a result of someone else’s carelessness or neglect, you may well have a personal injury claim through which you can seek damages. If you were injured in a car or truck accident at the hands of another driver, you’ll need a reputable, experienced attorney on your side.

Regardless of weather conditions or the season, contact Corradino & Papa to pursue the at-fault parties and fight for your rights.

If you have been injured, allow us to do all the research, talk to witnesses, deal with insurance companies, and legal wrangling. You just concentrate on recovering from your injuries.

Fill out our convenient online form to book a free consultation at no obligation to you.