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10 Causes Of Increased Pedestrian-Car Crashes In Summer

Pedestrian-car crashes in summer are a distressing reality that spikes with the arrival of warmer months. This can be attributed to a number of things that collectively contribute to the heightened risk. In the following, we’ll examine ten causes that explain why pedestrian-car crashes in summer are more frequent and what steps can be taken to reduce these risks.

Pedestrian-Car Crashes in Summer: Top Causes

Increased Outdoor Activities
One of the biggest reasons for the rise in pedestrian-car crashes in summer is the increase in outdoor activities. As the weather warms up, people tend to spend more time outside walking, jogging, biking, or simply enjoying the sunshine. This increased foot traffic on roads and sidewalks inevitably leads to a higher probability of accidents.

Motorists, who may not be accustomed to such a high volume of pedestrians during other times of the year, can find it challenging to adjust, leading to unfortunate collisions.

Vacation Season Traffic
The summer season means vacation time. Families, tourists, and out-of-town visitors flock to popular destinations, greatly increasing the number of vehicles on the road.

This influx of traffic, combined with unfamiliar drivers who may not be aware of local road rules or pedestrian crossings, creates a dangerous environment for pedestrians. The added stress of driving in crowded areas can lead to distractions, increasing the risk of pedestrian-car crashes.

Longer Daylight Hours
While longer daylight hours in summer are usually seen as a positive, they also contribute to increased pedestrian activity. People are more likely to be out and about later in the evening, taking advantage of the extended daylight.

But this also means that drivers may experience fatigue from longer days, and the changing light conditions during dusk can impair visibility. The combination of increased pedestrian presence and potentially reduced driver alertness can result in more frequent accidents.

Alcohol Consumption
Summer is a season of social gatherings, barbecues, and festivals, many of which involve alcohol consumption. Both pedestrians and drivers are more likely to be under the influence during these events.

Impaired judgment and slower reaction times can heighten the risk of accidents. A personal injury attorney will frequently encounter cases where alcohol played a big part in pedestrian-car crashes in summer, highlighting the need for increased awareness and preventative measures.

Teenage Drivers
With school out for the summer, teenage drivers are more prevalent on the roads. Inexperienced and often overconfident, these young drivers may not possess the necessary skills to handle the increased pedestrian traffic safely.

Their tendency to engage in risky behaviors, like texting while driving or speeding, can lead to devastating consequences. Car accident lawyers emphasize the importance of educating young drivers about the specific dangers associated with pedestrian-car accidents.

Distracted Walking
The popularity of smartphones has introduced a new risk factor: distracted walking. Pedestrians engrossed in their phones while crossing streets or walking along roads are less likely to be aware of their surroundings. This lack of attention can lead to dangerous situations where they inadvertently step into the path of an oncoming vehicle.

Making sure that both drivers and pedestrians remain vigilant and aware of their surroundings is critical in reducing the number of pedestrian-car crashes in the summer.

Construction and Road Work
Summer is a prime time for construction and road maintenance projects. While these activities are necessary for infrastructure improvement, they also create additional hazards for both drivers and pedestrians.

Detours, lane closures, and the presence of heavy machinery can confuse drivers and disrupt the usual flow of traffic. Pedestrians may also find themselves having to work around construction zones, sometimes in areas with reduced visibility or unexpected obstacles, increasing the risk of accidents.

High Temperatures and Heatwaves
Extreme heat and heat waves, common in summer, can impact both drivers and pedestrians. High temperatures can lead to fatigue, dehydration, and decreased concentration levels for drivers, making them more prone to errors.

Also, pedestrians exposed to excessive heat may experience dizziness or heat-related illnesses, impairing their ability to cross streets safely. Recognizing the impact of extreme weather on road safety is imperative in attending to pedestrian-car crashes in summer.

Increased Speeding
Summer months many times bring a sense of freedom and relaxation, which can sometimes translate into drivers adopting riskier behaviors, like speeding. The temptation to drive faster on open roads or less congested highways can lead to reduced reaction times and a higher likelihood of accidents involving pedestrians.

A personal injury attorney would advise that adhering to speed limits and exercising caution is especially important during the summer when pedestrian activity is at its peak.

Tourist Attractions and Events
Summer is a peak season for tourist attractions, festivals, and events, drawing large crowds to specific areas. These events can result in congested streets, temporary road closures, and increased foot traffic.

Drivers unfamiliar with the area or overwhelmed by the volume of pedestrians can inadvertently cause accidents. Proper signage, clear pedestrian paths, and adequate traffic management are important measures to prevent pedestrian-car crashes in summer.

Tackling the Issues
Becoming familiar with the causes behind the increased frequency of pedestrian-car crashes in summer is the first step towards tackling and reducing these risks. Both drivers and pedestrians must exercise heightened caution during this season.

Public awareness campaigns, improved infrastructure, and stricter enforcement of traffic laws can all contribute to creating a safer environment. Speaking to a car accident lawyer can also provide valuable insights and legal guidance for those affected by such incidents.

Promoting Summer Safety
The rise in pedestrian-car crashes in summer is a multifaceted issue that requires a complete approach to resolve. By recognizing the contributing factors, like increased outdoor activities, vacation traffic, longer daylight hours, and the impact of alcohol consumption, you can take proactive steps to improve safety.

Educating both drivers and pedestrians about the specific risks associated with summer, enforcing traffic laws, and promoting responsible behavior are major components in reducing the number of accidents. Ultimately, promoting a culture of awareness and caution can help see to it that everyone enjoys the summer months safely.

Summer Streets: Pedestrian Safety in the Season of Increased Risk
The team at Corradino & Papa, LLC has witnessed firsthand the devastating impact these accidents can have on victims and their families. The combination of more pedestrians, drivers distracted by vacation plans, and longer daylight hours creating glare issues contributes to this summer phenomenon.

Our experienced team of personal injury attorneys is dedicated to protecting the rights of those affected by such incidents, offering expert legal guidance and unwavering support. If you or a loved one has been involved in a pedestrian-car crash this summer, don’t face the aftermath alone.

Call 973.574.1200 or use our online form to reach out and secure the advocacy you deserve.